Since we are getting down to the details I decided to go for the details of the silver “wire” seen on the skiff battle. I am really happy this exists because prior I was running the lines behind the codpiece and through the zipper at the bottom of the flight suit. It was a pain in the, well, everything.
Here is the wire to which I am referring:
What I did was put the voice changer box in my left waist pouch and ran the headset/mic in and speaker out lines up the flight vest and into the hole cut in the vest for the 9-volt battery that powers the chest display. I then wrapped the two lines with silver aluminum metallic duct tape (the kind you use for furnaces) that is easily tearable.
It is a little crowded behind the chest display but it works:
And inside the vest:
And after tinkering with it I did a bit of a test fitting to see how it all worked out which was quite well. And yes, I know not everything is aligning. It was a quick fit.
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